Why does generation Y choose a remote work

Today’s 30-year-olds refuse offices and prefer to independently organize a work schedule. This is a feature of the generation Y, people born in 1985-2004. What are the advantages of home work, says psychologist Goal Auzin Sadi.

Today my day began with the blueberry scones, which I baked at 7 in the morning. Frozen yogurt was attached to them. This has been written in writing. Until I can do all the work at home. For example, not ready to take patients. But since in addition to practice I have many professional classes, I often do not work in the office.

Opponents of remote work believe that there are a lot of distracting factors at home: dinner is burning, and a baby screams in the next


room. But do not forget that technology for millennials is a natural habitat. Skype conference is more familiar than ordinary meetings. And multitasking is so natural that they participate in projects around the world, enjoying Latte in a cafe next to the house. The advantages of work from the house outweigh the minuses.

1. No need to waste time to get to work

The road to work squeezes strength, fatigue accumulates when you fight the road movement. Stress can be avoided if you do not leave home per hour of peak.

2. There are opportunities to eat healthy food and play sports

You eat at home when hungry, and not because it became boring or everyone around is eaten. I often catch myself thinking that I have been three in the afternoon, but I haven’t had lunch yet. Even when I have an empty refrigerator, I can cook a couple of eggs, make a fresh toast and brew tea.

If you work at home all day, you sometimes need to take breaks so as not to go crazy. You can choose the time to go to the gym and run when it will be warm and sunny, for example, at two in the afternoon. The energy that you would spend in traffic jams is more useful to spend on a walk or strength training. My customers working at home are engaged in video on YouTube.

3. No tired of work

Many office workers do not play sports in the evenings, referring to fatigue. They say that they get tired physically, but this cannot be – they are sitting still all day. These people confuse intellectual and emotional fatigue with physical. In fact, the body requires movement.

I’m moving quite a lot at home. In between, I load the washing machine, my sink and send emails, go to the refrigerator, cook food, sit down to read. At home, you are free to work in the rhythm that suits, anywhere and pose, so you get less tired. And in the office you do not get up again from the table so that the colleagues do not decide that you are working less than they.